Tippmann recently sent out their 2008 product catalog to all of their dealers. I got mine today and must say that I’m impressed with their innovation. On top of their X7 and A-5, Tippmann is introducing 3 “new” markers into their 2008 product line: the 98 Custom Pro Platinum Series, 98 Custom Platinum Series, and Field Rental Marker. In reality they’re just modified 98 Customs. However, they each serve a purpose.
Tippmann 98 Custom (Platinum Series)
“For the beginner or seasoned pro, the new 98 Custom Platinum Series Marker line maintains the reliability and durability you have come to expect from Tippmann. And with the new split receiver design it is even easier to customize, maintain, and upgrade.”
Tippmann 98 Custom Pro (Platinum Series)
The 98 Custom Pro comes with an 11-inch high-performance barrel for better accuracy, double trigger, and a drop forward. Comes with A.C.T (Anti-Chop Technology). A small bump up from the regular 98 Custom.
Tippmann Field Rental Marker
Since the 98 Custom is already a standard field rental gun, Tippmann decided to create a Field Rental version of the 98 Custom specifically made to withstand consumer use. They added the ACT technology and put an extra durable acrylic finish to it. Basically it’s a 98 that you can beat the crap out of with little ball chops.
I think you should ask a different question.
Do you think the paintball gun makes the player?
I have played since 1987 and I have been owned several times with great players playing with Tippmanns. I play with an A-5 and an Ion and I believe I can stand toe to toe with the people playing with the top of the line guns. “Spray and Pray” is the motto for most of these players but coming from the pump days I will go with “One shot one kill”.
Also, THANK YOU for the blog! I enjoy reading it!
Its a very appropriate question,
#1 inexpensive gun that can be bought a wallyworld
#2 A noob will have a spyder or tippy most of the time any way because it is inexpensive.
And if your good you prove it on the field to show that its not the gun that makes the play, all though a good gun helps.
I agree with ferret. People always say that the good players can play well with a Viewloader, but he could play even better with a good gun. The reason companies make high end guns is people want an advantage over their opponent, and they will pay for that extra leg. It does also require skill to be better than another player. The gun doesn’t always do the work for you.
I agree with Jeff and Ferret… well put.
i do agree with jeff and ferret from my experience in other sports. i dont however have alot of it in this sport. what are some good guns i can purchase that you guys recmd between 300 and 500. i only play on the weekends