Spyder Pilot ACS

Kingman Spyder Pilot ACS

Buy Spyder Paintball Guns – Cheap!

The first thing I have to say about this gun is that it is a very good gun to get started with and learn the game with. I think it is the best Spyder that is worth the money since in my opinion the Electras and VS. series are really not worth it at all.

The only upgrades I think a person would need if they got this gun (since it would probably be more for a beginner) would be a barrel and feedneck, for accuracy and profile. Besides from that, it is a very good gun to start out with. It is also cool since its field strippable, meaning if you’re having a gun problem, it isn’t that hard to take it apart on the field.

I only have a few things bad to say about it. The grips really suck, really flimsy and start to bend outward and so if you get shot in the grips, paint can get all inside. Also the cotter pin always falls out which can cause you to have major problems if it falls out on the field, replace it with a small safety pin and your fine. The gun has a lot of kick when you shoot it, and is also a little loud, but if it is your first gun, you really don’t notice it at all since you haven’t shot anything much nicer, and what can you expect from a blow back. The trigger pull is also a little strong, but it’s not horrible.

When I had mine, I had a few problems – but newer models don’t have these anymore. I thought I should provide some input on what I experienced. For one, the tournament lock kept coming loose so I couldn’t switch modes if I wanted, but your really only supposed to use semi anyways – so who cares. My biggest problem was that the back plate was getting hit by the bolt, the top part of the back plate snapped off, and so I got the back plate replaced and then my ACS bolt started chipping like crazy from hitting the back plate. Pieces of the plastic got jammed in the gun and my gun got screwed, but as I said before, newer models have back plates that don’t get in the way of the bolt. That was my only real big problem, other than that my gun worked well.

It is also cool for beginners to mess around with the other modes like: semi, 3 shot burst, 6 shot burst, and automatic. It also has a tournament lock so it can be tournament legal. The tournament lock gets a little bit annoying because sometimes it can come loose and it won’t let you change modes. Many people will have no idea why it won’t let them, bit it’s simply because the tournament lock has come loose.

In conclusion, I say Kingman’s Spyder Pilot a pretty good gun to learn the sport with. Just make sure not to upgrade it too much. You will probably regret it since your most likely to get a better gun in time.