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What’s Keeping Paintball from Growing?

Yes, we’ve all heard that paintball is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States and Canada; but did you know that statistics are showing the sport’s growth rate has actually declined these last few years? Not by much of course, nothing to really notice, but it certainly isn’t growing as much as it was a few years ago. Why is this?

Peter Irizarry, owner of Reball, testifies to the sport’s current standing in America by saying,

Paintball doesn’t have a focal point. There isn’t one thing to look at like most other sports have.

Peter is right and makes a good point. When you go to a baseball game you watch the pitcher throw the baseball and then watch the batter try to hit it. If he hits it, then you watch the ball and see where it goes and what’s done with it. Same thing with football, soccer, or all the other major sports.

Paintball has a completely different kind of playing style. There isn’t one focal point. When you sit in the stands or the sidelines you’re watching at least 2 players trying to shoot each other and capture the flag. Your eyes shift everywhere, not sure what to even watch. That’s what causes paintball’s popularity to take a hit.

I’m not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing. It’s just not what we’re use to. Paintball reached its popularity peak a couple years ago. Once everybody got into watching the games, they became somewhat confused on how to watch it. Do we watch the center flag? Do we watch the refs? The thousands of paintballs flying through the air? Ollie Lang? …Keely Watson ;)? You get my point?

Only time will show how we adapt to the sport’s new style of play. Paintball has such a solid foundation in this generation’s culture that it has to and will persevere through this “slump” of popularity. I believe people will eventually understand how this game is played and realize that it’s about watching a team work together, pull some tricky moves and strategies, then pummel the other team with paint. That’s paintball.


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